Sunday, October 13, 2013

September/October 2013

Regular Tuesdays
(click on link to the right to go to South Whidbey State Park Tuesday Expeditions - every other Tuesday)

Expedition #7
October 22nd
(expedition #6 was to swsp and is on the other page - click link to the right)
Out of math early (thank you Louise) for 9:30 transit to Langley
10:00 transit to Saratoga Woods Preserve
Walk to abandoned airstrip and big rock
Solo time to write on trail adjacent to airstrip
Out of Saratoga Woods on foot to Connector Trail to Goss Lake Woods
Continue on foot through miles of forest
Out of woods and under power line right-of-way
Time short so short cut to Brooks Hill Road to catch the #8
and back to school
and a bit of the documentary
Desperate Crossing - the story of the Pilgrims
(students had a new appreciation of perilous journeys)

Young Master Smith Enjoying his Day

Large, still and strange - The Waterman Glacial Erratic aka the Big Rock
We went it the Saratoga woods today. I'm sitting on a large fallen tree right now it is quite sappy, but I don't really care I'm just happy to be sitting. 
I've been in these woods before, with my dad. We were trying to take a shortcut from the woods from the road. All was going well, we had a map too! But we ended up getting lost anyway. It was also like 9:00 at night so it was pretty dark. While traversing the paths looking for a sign of civilization we found this giant rock, about the size of an elephant! Fortunately it was a point of interest on our map so we linked up the map and found the way out to the road. It definitely was an experience. 
There is this really annoying bird behind me screeching in my direction. Ugh... Speaking if annoying my nose is completely clogged so I can't smell or taste anything. 
My surroundings are quite nice, lots of vibrant greens standing out from the mushroom infested dead shrubberies and plantlife. I'm getting hungry so I'm gunna eat. Goodbye notes!
Darien defends his territory
Adah is determined to know where the heck she is
Darien gets into the forest
Hudson overcome with the joys of public transit

Field Trip Trooper

Field Trip Trooper and the Master Spy

Dignity amid chaos

More dignity amid chaos

Chaos himself

Onward through the fog
Fellow traveler 

Aden and the Erratic

Sir Nolan in his special writing spot


Expedition #5
The Dykes of Deer Lagoon
(expedition #4 was to SWSP which is on the other page - access by clicking link at right)

Transit to Bayview
Walk Bayview Road to Sunlight Beach Road
Walk Sunlight Beach Rd. to first dyke
Solo writing and lunch along dyke
Walk through Useless Bay Colony to SR 525
Accept generous offer to pick apples by  orchard owner
Catch transit to SWA
Duration ≈ 3 hours
Debrief and share photos at SWA

Below - some of the 133 photos taken
(click to see larger pic)
Buses are nice

Walking is okay

a statement is being made
roads can be dangerous

weather and view improving
as above
except for the old tire
rose hips

natural lad
peace or sleep



earth tones

happy to be out

the spot

the spot 2
I am at the dike. From where I am perched I can see the water. Seagulls are calling across the water as the fresh, salty breeze blows towards me. The clouds blowing past take different  shapes. A dragon,  a boat, and a viking appear and disappear in the always changing sky.

not so much

mobile office
that's better

seeing the future?

lagoon edge

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